Birthday Nights, Group Conscience, and Events Located Here
Birthday Nights, Group Conscience, and Events Located Here |
Meeting Schedule
9:00 AM - Open Men’s Discussion
12:00 PM - Open Discussion - Zoom and In-Person
6:00 PM - Open Discussion - Zoom and In-Person
9:30 PM - Open Big Book Study
12:00 PM - Open Big Book Study - Zoom and In-Person
5:30 PM - Open 12&12 Study - Zoom and In-Person
9:30 PM - Open 12&12 Study
12:00 PM - Closed Discussion
6:00 - Open Step Speaker
9:30 - Closed Discussion
12:00 PM - Open Discussion
6:00 PM - Open Newcomer
9:30 PM - Open Discussion
12:00 PM - Open 12&12 Study
6:00 PM - Open Big Book Study
9:30 PM - Open Discussion
12:00 PM - Closed Discussion
6:00 PM - Closed Discussion
9:30 PM - Closed Discussion
8:30 AM - Open Meditation
12:00 PM - Open Discussion
4:00 PM - Open Women’s Discussion
6:00 PM - Open Speaker
9:30 PM - Open Discussion
Zoom Meetings:
ID: 835 746 7531
Password: 498699
Meeting Types
Open - Available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’s program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
Closed - For A.A. members only or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking.”
Discussion - Whether closed or open, an A.A. member serving as chair opens the meeting using that group’s format and selects a topic for discussion.
Speaker - One member selected beforehand shares telling "what they were like, what happened, and what they are like now." Speaker meetings are open meetings.
Newcomer - These sessions help newcomers and follow a format or focus on Steps One, Two, and Three.
Big Book Study or 12&12 Study - Member serving as chair guides group through reading the Big Book and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions aloud in rotation while having an open discussion regarding topics read.