
GVU has a standing service commitment at Valley Hope of Grapevine each Thursday night at 6:00 pm to take an A.A. meeting to the residents.  We have a limit of six members with six months of sobriety from GVU for each meeting, and if you are interested in joining us for this commitment, put your name on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board at GVU or contact our GVU Treatment Facilities Rep and we will get you added to the list for a specific Thursday night.

Valley Hope’s Mission Statement

Valley Hope’s Mission is to provide a quality continuum of comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment and related services in a caring atmosphere and at a reasonable price for all people experiencing problems with alcohol or other drug use.

The purpose of providing those drug and alcohol rehab services is to improve the quality of life of those receiving services as measured by abstinence from alcohol and other substances, as well as by increased life satisfaction, improved family relationships, marital stability, job and career performance, and financial stability. This Mission may be pursued in any geographic location, limited only by need and Valley Hope’s ability to respond to that need.